Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall is in the Air!

This year has been the first time that I have thought Arizona was beautiful. I have always hated living in the desert and longed for the lush Idaho landscaping. When we moved to our new house at the foot of Black Mountain, I realized just how beautiful the desert can be. The sunsets and flowers and even the wildlife have a unique loveliness about them.

This lizard was by our front door and the boys tried to catch him. They try to act like they are not afraid of lizards when in fact they would never touch one with their hands, just with a cup. I have a video of us out front with the giant lizard.

A very yummy cantelope in our garden!

This roadrunner was in our yard long enough for me to run grab my camera. I got several shots of him before he ran very quickly into the adjacent desert.

Our courtyard is the only space that I have planted plants that look somewhat lush.

1 comment: said...

How Pretty!! Love the pixs. Wish we could come out and see it all first hand... maybe sometime this winter we can make it out for a visit. :) I always thought the desert was kind of yucky looking until I went and saw the Arizona desert for the first time, and man is it even more gorgeous out by your house. Wish we had that much nature around us.... can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!!