Tuesday, April 19, 2011

update on the kiddos

Bryson just turned 11, Weston is 8 1/2, Deacon is 6 and Raelyn is 2 1/2 months. They are growing like weeds! Just so everyone knows: I am well aware of how crazy Raelyn's hair is. It sticks up no matter how much hair spray I put in it! When it is wet it has ringlets but when it dries it's stick straight and everywhere! It's like baby bird feathers, so soft! I love it!


Lisa said...

so cute.. your kids are adorable. Your little girl is so cute, and I love her hair..

Brian and Ali Childs said...

So funny story...I didn't even know that I wasn't followig your blog becaus at one point I was and so I just thought you never posted! ha ha. anyway. I have a lot of reading to do...(of your blog). Love ya sis. Ps. Love the pic with rae on ems shoulders. She looks so old! Rae that is...not em.

rachel said...

OH, So cute. I do love her crazy hair. I can't believe your oldest is 11 Chelsea where has the time gone. It was fun to see all your kids.

Train Gang said...

I was just blog surfing and popped onto yours. I AM SO THRILLED TO SEE THE NEWS!!!! I casually read "update on the kiddos..." and saw a new name on the list!!!! I'm so happy for you. Congrats, Congrats! She is so pretty. And your boys get more handsome every year.