Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Burp cloths

Ahhh, girl stuff. I embellished some cloth diapers and made some burp cloths for a friends baby shower. I also bling-ed out some pacifiers. My friend named her baby Ruby (therefore the "R" on the jar!) I have 2 friends that are having girls within 3 weeks of each other. Babies are fun!


Mrs. Jones says said...

Love it! What a cute idea. Someone did something similar for me, but totally not as cute!! I have to put this in my "ideas" book for future projects. ;) Thanks for sharing!

Lisa said...

So cute! You are so creative! I love it

*JULIA* said...

Those look great. Your friends will love these. It almost makes me want to have a baby girl.........almost.

Mitch, Kris, and Tricky said...

Those are so cute. You are such a cute mom and so creative. You will have to teach me how to be creative when we move down there.