Monday, September 29, 2008

It's Bowling Time!

Notice the final score: Corbin rocked and Grandma Melinda and I got the same scores as Bryson and Weston!!

So Fun! Grandma Melinda came and stayed with us for 5 days which we loved. We decided to go for a little Friday night bowling. In the beginning, Deacon was excited and bowled a few frames with the help of a little metal ramp thingy. Then he decided he was done and just wanted to go home. He kept saying "Mom, it's night-night time. I want to go home and go to bed." It was only 6:30 or 7 but he was ready. He is the greatest 3 year old around! He was patient and waited for daddy to kick our butts with 3 strikes followed by 2 spares in a row! Melinda opted for the gutter blocker bars to be on about half way through and I should have followed suit. I normally will get around 280 (Jeff, is that even possible?) but I was just off that night! Bryson knows how to bowl like a pro and Weston is great at throwing it and letting it land really hard before it starts it's roll. We ate dinner while we bowled 1 game then went home to bed! Thanks Melinda for coming to visit. I love to have girl time with you!


Stacy and Angela said...

YEA!!!It is so good to "see" you guys again! We were just talking about everyone in Arizona the other day.....This will be fun to stay caught up, I don't update as often as I would like since I spend most days in the car between pre-school, gymnastics, scouts, our new store, regular school, oh yeah I almost forgot we just bought a house that was in foreclosure that is on an acre with an adjacent lot that we are getting ready to build on! We are cleaning up the yard and getting ready to sell the house!!!!! Take care! ~Angela

PS..IT is wild to see Deacon is is 3.5...We just started Katelyn in nursery this last week oh my what a nightmare!!!!!

Mary Ann & Joe Mackey said...

How fun. That totally made me want to try bowling with Carter. We will not be challenging Corbin to the allies any time soon! Tell the truth, is he really in a league? His team has matching shirts huh? I know it took a while to start this blog, but I'm so glad you did!

P.S. Way cute picture bowling Chels.

rachel said...

That is so fun. i love that you are finally in on the blog. My kids love bowling thanks to the Wii I just have to turn the power button on now. You look so cute in your picture. Fun to see your cute boys.

Jeffrey Transtrum said...

yes, it is possible to get a 280 chelsea, but not for you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, maybe I can finally keep up with your busy life. I love how pretty and awesome it came out and it reminded me we need to get together and scrapbook. I miss you a ton and have been out of town till yesterday, so let's pick a date to at least have lunch at catch up. Miss you. Jack, Oh, and check out my blog, I think I have 1 person who looks at it so pass it along, I have no friends who blog and would like some people giving me a pat on the back too. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah I am so excited that you did it! Yours is so cute, way better looking than mine. I know I can be pretty inspirational, haha yeah right! Well I'm excited to see the fam. You guys are so good looking!